
Maurice Sendak, In the Night Kitchen. Digital photography and color matching for The Maurice Sendak Foundation by Stinehour Editions.
The Fiftieth Anniversary edition of In the Night Kitchen was published by HarperCollins, January 10, 2023.

An integral part of our work is the reproduction of images which begins with a digital capture of the original artwork. We are experienced in handling fragile and rare materials and utmost care is taken in all steps of the process. We offer digital photography and scanning of art and documents and can provide retouching, color correction and other adjustments to create a digital file that will match the original and prepare it for its intended application. Whether the images are destined for a print or digital publication, pigment ink prints, or digital archiving, our work assures that the original is rendered sensitively and faithfully. 

Scanning, Drum Scanning, Digital Capture, Digital Archiving, Image Manipulation, Retouching, Color Correction, Printing Separations, Proofing
Verne Morton, Mrs. D. Maclean, Groton, 1912Photograph by Verne Morton, from Great Possibilities: 150 Verne Morton Photographs, published by Six Mile Creek Press.  Quadtone separations prepared by John Stinehour at Stinehour Editions. Printed by Puri…

Verne Morton, Mrs. D. Maclean, Groton, 1912

Photograph by Verne Morton, from Great Possibilities: 150 Verne Morton Photographs, published by Six Mile Creek Press.
Quadtone separations prepared by John Stinehour at Stinehour Editions. Printed by PuritanCapital.
A selection of Verne Morton's photographs can be seen here.

All images copyright by the artists